Thursday, October 22, 2009

Prayer Power Series: Are You Hungry?

I’ve never been a morning person. Even so, I get up at 5:00 every morning to write. Why? There’s only one answer: I am hungry to write. If I want to write, I must get up and do it before the demands of my children call me away.

What hungers drive your life? What do you love so much that you will do no matter what? Perhaps it’s your job, or your family, or a TV show. Maybe you love to read, or golf, or play an instrument. Or maybe, like me, you just love to eat!

Have you ever thought of being hungry for God? I admit, some days I struggle to give God even the slightest thought. Others, I am consumed by him. Either way, I need to connect with him every day. Why?

Colossians 1:16 says that all things were created by God and for God. So, if we were made by him and for him, then doesn't it make sense to connect to him on a regular basis? We need God. We are pre-programmed with a God-search in our hearts and minds.

Each day is a new gift. When we slam off the morning alarm, stumble to the shower, and race to coffee and toast, we are experiencing fresh compassion, newly baked in the oven of God's unending love. (See Psalm 118:24 and Lamentations 3:22-24.) Usually, we blast through our day completely unaware of the mercies extended to us.

In his book Prayer Power, Peter Lundell discusses the importance of developing a hunger for God. "Hunger for God," he says, "is that deep desire to know and experience more of God...[it] is a lot like hunger for food: we can wish for a snack or starve for a feast. I found that the hungrier I was, the more of God's presence I felt." (p17)

I've also found this to be true. However, the difference between physical hunger and spiritual hunger is that the physical results from a lack of nourishment. Spiritual hunger, on the other hand, grows greater as the nourishment grows greater. The hunger itself is gratifying. As we feast upon our Savior's blessings, we find both a satisfaction and a craving for more. This paradox can only be explained through communion with God.
If you want to develop a hunger for God, the best place to start is in the Bible. Check out the book of Psalms. There, you will find raw emotion, anger, love, passion, and longing. All of it drives the reader to find answers and satisfaction in the God.

Today, I pray that God makes you and I hunger for him. It's a craving that satisfies!

Gettin' Real,
Everyone who comments either on the blog posts, through personal email to me, on my facebook, or on my Twitter will be entered into a drawing for a free book. At the end of the series I will congratulate the winner.


  1. Before I became a true Christian I thought I knew Jesus. I was very knowledgable of the Bible and I thought I had a very strong relationship, but I know now what I did wrong. I did not repent my sins. I acted like I knew Jesus, but continued to sin. One can not have a loving relationship with our Lord when sin runs our lives. Now I repent my sins and now I feel a very strong relationship with Jesus. With this new found relationship I now hunger for Jesus.


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