Saturday, December 12, 2009

Two Books to Help Keep the Holidays Real

When WaterBrook Press sent me a review copy of Treasured, I tried to skim it, but I had a problem: I kept getting interested in it! Leigh McLeroy is a talented writer and kept drawing me into her book. One reason I'm happy to recommend it to Get Real! followers is that her concepts relate directly to the theme of this blog: Connecting God to Every Day Life. In each chapter, McLeroy examines a concrete object from Scripture, such as a fig leaf, a riding crop, or a golden bell. She briefly (and beautifully) tells the Biblical account and then uses real life stories to connects the ancient symbols to 21st century living . Every life lesson reveals some new aspect about God. The fig leaf, for instance, teaches that he is the God who covers us. The Shepherd's harp string reminds us that he is the God of the little guy. The book is not themed around Christmas, but it would make a great present for someone that needs a hug from God. Enjoy!

Do you need a Christmas gift for a youngster in your life? God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren is a delightful book centered around a conversation between a mother polar bear and her cub. Using the beauty of nature, Mama Bear explains how God reveals himself everywhere through his creation. When the northern lights brighten the sky, Little Cub learns that God sent Jesus to be the light of the world. This beautifully illustrated story is a unique way to learn about Christmas. In my home, God Gave Us Christmas will go into the special basket of books we get out every year and enjoy during the holiday season.

Hope this helped with your last minute Christmas shopping!

Gettin' Real!

These books were provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Click here to learn more about these books or to purchase them.

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